Remodeling Services in Richmond, VA
(Only your checkbook knows the difference.)
Why trash a perfectly functional set of cabinets simply because they look tired, worn, and outdated? Why go through all the fuss of tearing your kitchen or bathroom apart for new cabinets when you can explore our remodeling services right here in Richmond, VA?
Let ReFresh transform your old but perfectly functional cabinets into the sleek modern set you’re just dying to have. We guarantee that when we’re done, it would take a cabinet expert to tell the difference between our factory-fresh finished cabinets and the $20,000 to $30,000 set you agonized over ordering.
Or a look at your checkbook balance.
You’ll have saved thousands on your cabinet upgrade, freeing up your money for that granite countertop, that new appliance, or that vacation you’ll need after your remodeling’s complete.
ReFresh Cabinets is a locally owned and operated cabinet specialist company. We’ve been around awhile, and with our ever-growing customer base, we’ve become the Richmond Metro Area’s preeminent cabinet refinishing service.
Our customers rave about our service and can’t wait to show off their “new” cabinets and furniture. We really do sell satisfaction in every single job.
Give us a call today. Talk to Jamie and Brian, the owners. Let them explain how transforming the mediocre to the extraordinary is an everyday business for these cabinet refinishing masters.
Replaced or Re:Freshed?
(Only your checkbook knows the difference.)
Why trash a perfectly functional set of cabinets simply because they look tired, worn, and outdated? Why go through all the fuss of tearing your kitchen or bath apart just for the sake of new cabinets?
Let Re:Fresh transform your old but perfectly functional cabinets into the sleek modern set you’re just dying to have. We guarantee that when we’re done, it would take a cabinet expert to tell the difference between our factory-fresh finished cabinets and the $20,000 to $30,000 set you agonized over ordering.
Or a look at your checkbook balance.
You’ll have saved thousands on your cabinet upgrade, freeing up your money for that granite countertop, that new appliance, or that vacation you’ll need after your remodeling’s complete.
ReFresh Cabinets is a locally owned and operated cabinet specialist company. We’ve been around awhile, and with our ever-growing customer base, we’ve become the Richmond Metro Area’s preeminent cabinet refinishing service.
Our customers rave about our service and can’t wait to show off their “new” cabinets and furniture. We really do sell satisfaction in every single job.
Give us a call today. Talk to Jamie and Brian, the owners. Let them explain how transforming the mediocre to the extraordinary is an everyday business for these cabinet refinishing masters.
Kitchen Projects
ReFresh specializes in providing time efficient and cost-effective kitchen renovation solutions to meet any sized budget.
Bathroom Projects
ReFresh provides bathroom renovations with the attention and detail that our clients know and love. Reach out to our design team to start planning your bathroom project today.
Custom Projects
ReFresh offers a wide array of customization solutions for your project’s needs. From custom woodwork to tiling and backsplash, let us work with you to provide the custom solution to your project.

Designing Spaces That Sell

ReFresh works with you from minor projects all the way to major renovations.

Let ReFresh organize the project for you. We will communicate plans, needs, and schedules with any subcontractors to collaborate and ensure the project is done with the utmost attention.

Idea & Processing
ReFresh has a 7,000 sq. ft. showroom and designer available upon request, depending upon schedule and availability.

Material Selection
Our showroom is available to visit by appointment to help you visualize your cabinets and hardware so you know exactly what you are ordering.

ReFresh Cabinets is a locally owned and operated cabinet specialist company. We’ve been around awhile, and with our ever-expanding customer base we are the preeminent cabinet refinishing service in the Richmond Metro Area. Our customers rave about our service, and can’t wait to show off their finished products. We really do sell satisfaction in every single job.
ReFresh Cabinets offers a wide-range of kitchen, bath, and whole-home services that are stingy on price, yet amazingly generous when it comes to empowering your dreams. Why trash a perfectly functional set of cabinets simply because they are tired, worn and out-dated. Why go through the fuss of tearing your kitchen or bath apart just to get new cabinets. Let ReFresh transform your existing cabinets into the sleek modern set you’re just dying to have. We guarantee that when we’re done, it would take a cabinet expert to tell the difference between our factory-fresh finished cabinets and the $20,000.00 to $30,000.00 set you’ve agonized over ordering. We save you thousands on your cabinet upgrade, while freeing up your money for the granite counter-top, the new appliance, or the vacation you’ll need after your remodeling is complete.
Give us a call today. Talk to the owners – Jamie & Brian, let them explain how transforming the mediocre to the extraordinary is an everyday business for these cabinet refinishing masters.